We are proud to bring you our new quotation system MyQuotes, now with PRSA products available.

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MyQuotes Launch

The initial launch in May 2020 saw MyQuotes going live to Brokers for Protection Products.


PRSA Products

Now adding PRSA products to the suite to further enable remote working and online submission.


Save & Resume

The new save function will allow you to save client details to your own personal dashboard and resume at a later date.

Key Features

MyQuotes Launch Webinar

We recently hosted a webinar which gave brokers a chance to experience MyQuotes and see how it can revolutionise the quotes process. The webinar was hosted by Head of Strategy, Nick Baird, and included live demos of the system.

MyQuotes Flyer


MyQuotes Help Centre

Get answers to all your MyQuotes

If you have any questions about MyQuotes then visit our help centre. Our MyQuotes Section has a growing list of helpful guides and videos.

Visit the help centre

Troubleshooter Guides


MyQuotes Support Map

Additional support information can found on our support map including where to find support material, how to give feedback and how to get in touch with the helpdesk.
